Tuesday, May 13, 2014

You Wins Some, You Lose Some

Our big accomplishment today.
Today was an exhausting day so it's strange that I got almost nothing done. I had big plans when I woke up this morning, I even made THREE lists before I left the house. But as the universe would have it, things just did not go my way, and everything went wrong. I guess it's no surprise that these kinds of thing can happen when remodeling a house but it is a whopping coincidence that they all happened in a row, to me, today.
The first thing I did was go to Home Depot to return some tile and buy a sink. Only I forgot the sink part of that. But I did buy six vent covers that I was planning on replacing...only none of them fit when I got back to the house and tried them out. So that was a waste of time and I have to return all of them tomorrow.
I got a new cover for the fan in the bathroom too, but for some reason I can't get it to sit flush against the ceiling. I tried three times, and can't figure out why it won't work. Sigh.
So then I thought I'd track down the special hinges I needed for the doors on the upstairs vanity. After three stores I finally found them. They weren't exactly the same so I had to drill new holes in the door. When I went to attach them to the vanity was when I realized they were way too big and wouldn't work. So now I have to return those also.
Then I decided to paint the inside of the return vents with black spray paint (as dad suggested) and as I was painting the one in the little bedroom the bench I was standing on wiggled, and I accidentally spray painted a black splotch on my beautiful white stripe around the ceiling as well as a bit of the ceiling itself. Perfect.
After I was done with that I decided to work on painting a salvaged light fixture white. It was in the kitchen but we plan to use it in the laundry room. But for some reason the paint is not sticking to it. I don't know if it's because I painted it out in the garage and it was raining and the humidity was high or what.
At that point I was ready to call it a day and head over to the gym for a quick run, but I felt bad that I really hadn't accomplished a damn thing. So instead I went and got the sink I'd forgotten earlier and decided to switch out the last of the brass hinges and rehang the doors that were pulled off and in the way. I tried for over a half hour to get the doors up only to realize that they no longer fit since the tile was installed. The bottoms of them need to be cut off! That was my last straw. I decided it was too late for the gym and time to go back to Dads and make dinner. Before I made it out of town though Eduardo called me and asked if I'd stay and help him hang a ceiling fan. I didn't feel like it, but again, I'd barely gotten anything done all day, so I met him back at the house. We then spent an hour trying to hand the fan, only it doesn't work. We think the light switch is actually the problem, but there were about 10 wires in the electrical box behind the switch and we had no idea what went to what. As you can imagine, the minuscule remnant of patience I had left was worn away and I felt like crying. Instead we decided to try to hang another (easier) light...only to discover that the mount (that is in the ceiling) is too small. That's when I informed Eduardo I was leaving for the day and  I left.
I didn't get back here (to Dad's) until 7:00. Yep. That's right. It more or less took me 11 hours to do nothing of any use besides buy a bathroom sink. And that usefulness is negated by all the time I will have to spend tomorrow returning all the crap I bought today! I literally would have been better off staying here and watching cartoons all day.

You win some and you lose some I guess...

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