Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fanning the Frustration

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Believe it or not the most complicated thing we have had to do so far is (drum roll)...hang a stupid ceiling fan! Believe it or not, that's the truth. We junked the old fan since it was brass and hideous, and got a new modern looking one to take it's place. Only we couldn't get it to hang, because the bracket was somehow loose. So we had to cut a hole in my beautiful and newly painted ceiling, and switch out the bracket. (I also had to go on the scaffolding again, by myself, and prime and paint that area again!) But that still didn't work, and so the guys went through three different mounts and all kinds of experimenting and nothing was working.
I wan't even working on it and I was probably the most frustrated of anybody!
The problem lay in the fact that most ceiling fans are not designed to be hung on an angle. Usually they have to go on a flat ceiling, or there has to be a little box built on the angled wall that has a flat spot to hang it from. Some fans can be hung up to a 45 degree angle, but I think our ceiling is even a little steeper than that, and so it was just really tough to find a housing and bracket that would work and allow the fan to hang the way it's supposed to.
To the guys credit, they hung in there and finally got it figured out! It looks great, and I am certain I will never take it for granted, but what a chore! You always expect tricky things to pop up when you are remodeling. But you never expect them to be something as seemingly simple as a ceiling fan. I am certainly learning to consider each and every thing before ripping it out and starting new. You never know what can turn into a complicated multi-day project!

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