Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wishy-Washy Me

My Haiku of the Day
I'm being so wishy washy. It's really annoying. And I feel really lame. But I don't mean to. I don't WANT to be. Im exhausted and there are turning out to be lots more decisions than I was expecting, and it's all so overwhelming even though I know it shouldn't be. Two nights ago and yesterday morning I felt like walking away from all of it, the house, moving to Michigan. I was feeling extra homesick, and I was longing for something, anything familiar and known, and comfortable. I know Los Gatos inside and out. I literally know every pothole in the road there. I've lived there for 10 years, and I've loved it for 10 years. I have a lot of memories there, I know my way around, there aren't many surprises. I like that. I love that. I miss that. And so I've been moody and quiet and confused and sad, and a general all around depressing downer to be around. 
Eduardo said he was ok with doing whatever I wanted, including staying put in California. And that helped me feel a lot less pressured, and was actually a huge relief for me that I dont have to worry about disappointing him. Now that I think about it, it was the most wonderful thing he could have said to me under the circumstances. It didn't fix anything really, but it made me feel a whole lot better. But I still had some hard choices to make.
I decided last night that if we get the house for $40000 I'll make the move, and make the most of it.

The hardest part is being in the middle where it could go either way. From this position it's hard to let go of either option because both could still happen, and  we could choose one just as easily as the other. And so I keep going back and forth. When I think things might swing one way I suddenly find myself leaning the opposite direction. If we knew one way or another what was going to happen with the house, I think that would help me out. If I knew for sure we got it, then I could focus on that and just not look back.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Let Down

So it's the same day, only later. After amazing pep talk I gave myself, I went to the real estate office only to learn that we can't have the septic tested/inspected because the water has been turned off. And the reason the water was turned off was because there is apparently a pretty substantial leak "somewhere". Enough to rack up a $500 water bill in two months last February! It might have flooded the crawl space which would explain why all the vinyl flooring is peeling up, and why there appears to be so much moisture damage inside and around the return vents in the living room. I called dad not knowing what to do. This morning we were going to offer $55k for the house when we thought it was on city sewer and had working water. I don't feel comfortable offering that now. Even though it would be a super lowball offer, I don't think we could justify offering more than $50k. If we have to get a new septic that would be around $5k, and by the time we pay for inspections and have the plumber come out and look at whatever the leak is, that will run $500-1.5k or so the agent estimated.
I don't know whether to keep at this place, or just let it go and keep looking. I guess we know why it hasn't sold yet. But I guess for the right price it might still be a good deal. Thats what Dad thinks, and Eduardo too. It feels like the more we learn about the house the more strikes there are against it. And they are adding up. I don't know what I think. I am getting cold feet again.
I'm trying not to get discouraged, and I don't want to give up too easily, but when is the right time to let something go? How do you predict when something is going to be much more work than you thought and you aren't prepared to handle it.?We thought this was going to b a "touch up" kind of job with paint and tile and a new roof. But now it's broken pipes and water damage, and a septic system that may or may not work. Maybe this is just the way that the kind of places we can afford are going to be. Maybe the only places we have a chance of making a profit on are going to be the ones that the more savvy investors don't want to bother with, but is that a good idea for us to get involved with something like that? We have Dad's experience which is a help for sure, and he seems totally unphased. Should I be too?
I don't know wha I think. And Dad is leaving tomorrow for Wisconsin, so we need to decided whatever tonight and let the agent know...But all I want to do is make a nice dinner and sit around and watch Christmas movies.
I'm not sure if I'm much wimpier than I thought, or if I have a legitimate excuse to feel so utterly exhausted.

The drive out here was a nightmare, Memere dying, and me not making it back it time for the funeral was stressful and disappointing, and then worrying about my work and quitting, and having enough money, and paying back our loans, and finding the right place, and deciding how much work we can handle, and what it's going to cost us, and trying to realistically anticipate the possible unexpected expenses without letting it get us down...I've just been going from one stressful thought to another for the past 6 days. Over and over, and Im not sure how much of anything Ive got left in me. So much for big decisions today. I am not looking forward to tomorrows pep talk.

Just Do It Already...

What I look like when I'm making big decisions.
It's been a hectic few days here. I should have been writing every day, but I haven't had the energy. which usually means I'm overwhelmed. Just the thought of trying to explain how I feel is overwhelming!
But let me try.
Saturday Dad, Eduardo, Jon and I went to look at the Meadowlawn house. I was pretty amped. It's really nice from the outside, and it has a GREAT yard! It does back up to a gas station, which is potentially a problem, but a fence would probably take care of that. Anyway, the yard was huge, and had nice trees and was framed with pretty reeds. I could totally see bon fires and playing catch with the dog out there.
Except for the roof the house looked ok from the outside. It needs new gutters, and some landscaping, but really that's just clean up.
We went out to lunch and discussed financing, deciding it might work better for us to borrow money and make a low cash offer, rather than try to qualify for a mortgage. (I tried to get one myself on the way out here through Wells Fargo, but they denied me because my income to expense ratio was 55%, and for a second residence (which is what I was applying for) that is really important)).
We decided if we could borrow from DMI, Jon, and Eduardo's brother, plus what we have, maybe we could swing it.
Eduardo had to call his brother, but I was feeling optimistic, and I really liked the place. I could see myself in that least for a few months, and the proximity to Starbucks, Panera, Meijer, Buffalo Wild Wings etc, is hard to beat. I actually LOVE the location.
Yesterday we went to look at the inside. We met the agent at 5:00, and it was freezing and dark. There was no power for some reason, so we had to go through the house with flashlights. It was like a dungeon.  All of the charm was gone. The house smelled smoky, and it was cold. It appeared to be in worse shape than it looked like from outside. There was leaking from the upstairs bathroom, and around the doorwall in the master bedroom, broken windows, the nicotine stains on the walls alone were pretty depressing. There was popcorn ceilings, the tiniest foyer I've ever seen, and some awkward layout. There was mold, and the flooring was all super awful. I felt pretty bummed. Dad however seemed confident that we could handle everything except the roof. And I'm inclined to believe him, but it just seems like it could add up to an awful lot of money. And it seems like maybe more work than I was expecting.
After looking at the house yesterday I think I was seeing the glass half empty rather than full. It suddenly felt super risky and overwhelming. I got cold feet. Both literally and figuratively since it was like 28 degrees in there. We came home and talked about it, and after I relaxed a little we decided that we still wanted to go ahead and make a cash offer of $55,000.
Then this morning we found out from the realtor that the house is on a septic, not city sewer like the listing said. So that's another blow. It could reduce the resale value by $5000 or more. And who knows what condition it is in, or if its even working? Dad doesn't seem too worried about it, saying that most of the houses up this way (with the exception of Port Huron) are on a septic and everyone is used to it, but I don't know. I think most of the houses there in Fort Gratiot are on sewer, and I'd be hesitant to buy a place in that area that didn't have it. I personally would be more comfortable on city sewer.
We all discussed it, and after I calmed down for the second time we called the real estate agent, and she said we could write an inspection into the offer. We discussed it more, and Dad convinced me. So we are going to go ahead and offer $55,000 pending the inspection.
I called her back and made an appointment for 11:30. Dad and Eduardo went to work on a tile job, so now Im just sitting here, by myself, waiting to go. And I feel like throwing up. Lol! Isnt that awful? It's not that I don't want to make the offer, it's just that I don't have near enough experience to be confident that the decisions we are making are the right ones for the situation. I trust Dad, but at the end of the day this is our decision, and our money, and we need to make the decisions and remember that WE are responsible for what happens, not Dad. I don't want him to feel responsible for this, and I have to make my own decision for myself. But without his opinion I would be completely lost. Its all very confusing. And I have a lot of doubt right now. More than Id like. I'm thinking to myself, why hasn't the house already sold? Why with all the good (and I am using that term loosely)  things about it is it still on the market? I'm wondering if it's still a good deal if we it for $55k? I'm wondering if in 4 months I'll be kicking myself for buying a place with a septic tank? I'm wondering if I'm just overreacting? I wonder if I'm underreacting? I wonder if buying this place is worth quitting my job in California? I wonder if we really have the potential to make $30k on it or if $15k is closer to the reality? I wonder if I'll be really disappointed if we put a lot of work into it and no one wants to buy it?
All these things are running through my mind, but I'm still going in 45 minutes to make an offer on it. In case you havent noticed I am totally FREAKING OUT.
Dad seems so calm about it, and I understand that he has been through this enough times to not be as nervous as Eduardo and I are. And intellectually I know that this is not the end of the world, whether we get it or not, whether it sells for more or not, but....if I am being totally honest, I FEEL like it is. I feel like we are right at the very edge of the world, dangling over a very steep precipice by nothing but our fingernails.
First of all the money we are borrowing from our families. That is a lot of pressure, and I hate being in debt. It will by far be the most debt I have ever been in, in my life. Second our whole life in California.  It might not be ideal, but we still worked very hard to get it. All of that is on the line with this purchase.  I'm considering trading a balmy and comfortable life in Cali for a stressful, unpredictable (but adventurous) life here in the snow-covered, frozen Midwest during the armpit of winter. And I'm doing it by betting on THIS house. And I have to tell you, right now, that sounds crazy. I literally feel like a crazy person right now.
I mean, is it even reasonable to think that I should not be freaked out about this? Is that even fair? I thought Id feel so different when I made my first offer on a house! I want to be excited, and super stoked, but Im nowhere near that now. Instead I'm feeling anxious, and unsure and sort of terrified, and nauseated. I'm suddenly wishing Eduardo and I were home in California right now, sitting on the couch watching TV, with a normal week behind and ahead of us. I don't want that for my whole life, but I really want that in this very moment. How absurd is that? It annoys me that I feel that way because I know it makes no sense. But Im trying to be as honest as I can about this whole thing, and the truth is Im feeling irrational, and Im freaking out, and I feel like shit. What else can I say?
Moving from Los Gatos to Port Huron makes without the financial chance to get ahead, and that's why we are doing it, but...uggggggg! It's so hard.
At the same time I know that change, and the big decisions that predate it, always feels this way. Every time I have been through it, it feels the same. It scares the bujesus out of me, and its hard, and Im nervous.  I also know that no one can make the decision for me. I have to do it, for myself. Thats why its so hard. Because I'll be the only one to blame if this turns out to be the dumbest thing I've even done. And I know that how I feel right now is not what I should be basing my decisions on, so I am going to go ahead with this because it's what I THINK is the best thing for Eduardo and I. Even though it doesn't feel like it.
Ive been here before, and I understand what is happening, and I have to trust myself. I know what I want, but my fear is trying to convince me I feel differently. And I dont want to make decisions, or not make them, because I am afraid. Nope. Not gonna happen. Not to this girl.

It's time to put aside these unruly thoughts, swallow the barf that is creeping up my esophagus, and do this!!!  It's time to move forward! Its time to ignore the voice in my head screaming Dont do it! For the love of GOD, DONT DO IT!!!! All attempts at humor aside, it's time for me to put on my coat and my best game face and go to the real estate office and make an offer that will probably change my life as I know it. I feel awful. But fuck it. Im going anyway.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Life is Always Too Short

I'm on my way home from France. I it's just as well. I feel like there is so much happening in our family, and I have so much to do at home that it was getting a little frustrating being so far away and not being able to do anything about it. So it's good that I'm on my way back.  We found out that Memere is not doing well at all. I dont know if I am more sad for me or for mom. Since Memere is probably not going to last much longer I think I will drive with Eduardo this Thursday when he heads back to Michigan. I think I will stay over Thanksgiving, spend some time with Memere if I can, and if not, then spend the additional time with the family and be there to support Mom. I think I can swing it with my work. That way Eduardo and I can also look for places and he won't have to spend Thanksgiving alone, and we will be together. It just seems like the right thing to do in the situation. I am going to have a crazy week ahead of me though.
I need to get pre-qualified for a mortgage tomorrow too, just to make sure that information is in place when we need it. And I need to find out from Dad if that house in Fort Gratiot is still on the market. We could have an offer in by next week if I can get the mortgage thing sorted out before we leave. So much to do!
I am still a little nervous about quitting work, but only in a sort of surfacial way. As soon as I think about it for two seconds and realize that this is my chance to break free of all the monotony and boredom, all my hesitation goes away.
Despite the fact that I barely slept last night, I've been on a plane for 5 hours and have 6 more to go, and I'm overwhelmed by everything that is going to happen as soon as I get home, I am feeling pretty optimistic today. I think it;s because of Memere, as strange as it sounds. I'm am feeling really sad that Memere is going to die, thats probably why I am writing right now, and rambling as I go. I'm just trying not to think about it really until it happens. But I am thinking about it, and it has reminded me of how short life is, and how little time there is to really enjoy it, and how much better spent it would be without my incessant worrying. And I feel a little guilty for feeling this way, but I am suddenly just feeling really happy to be alive, and having (I hope, assuming this plane I'm on doesn't crash into the Atlantic) the next weeks, and years ahead of me to do whatever I please.I feel like I've just won the lottery! I don't know how I can feel that way, or if it's even appropriate under these circumstances. I think I would be more sad if I didn't think she was ready to go.  I'll tell you though, it really does put into perspective a lot of things. I suddenly feel compelled to really just focus on the good things in life, and be optimistic. I just wish this kind of clarity could last all the time, and not fade away after a couple weeks. I know I for one would probably take a lot more risks...and quit worrying so damned much.)
So, with that in mind, it looks like Eduardo and I will be able to spend Thanksgiving together. And I will be able to go to Michigan with him. If we can still get that house, we will be together when we make an offer on it. If everything goes according to plan then we can move in January like I wanted with no problem. Or later if the timing is better then.
I'm feeling pretty good about letting my work know that I'm leaving. I'm looking forward to a new life and a new routine. Eduardo and I will be together more!!! Woohoo! We will have projects to work on together. I might start a home improvement blog, or document our 1st reno project. I might see if those teaching positions at SC4 are still available. I might see if I can write once or twice a month for the Times Herald or something. I'll have my pups and get a new gym membership, I'll run and start a completely new workout regime. Maybe Eduardo and I can get a punching bag and set it up in our garage or something and keep up with out kickboxing? We will have new restaurants to try, and the lake will be super close by. We will get to hang out with Dad more, and Uncle Jack and the family here, and in the spring I can plant an herb garden if I want. We will have new weekend destination opportunities when work is slow, or we just need a break. We can head up to Mackinac for a couple days, or Green Bay or Chicago. We will only be an hour from Frankenmouth and the giant Christmas store! We can try home brewing, and spend snowy days at home together working on the house or watching Supernatural reruns or playing with the dogs.

I don't know why, but suddenly I am feeling inspired!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

From France

Having coffee with Mom in Metz!
I've been talking to Eduardo a little since I've been in France, and I guess a lot is going on in my absence. He might have to go to Michigan as soon as the end of next week, to work with dad! Thats so fast, and not a lot of time for preparing or planning anything (both of which I am normally inclined to want to do). Now all of the sudden Eduardo is probably going to be in Michigan for Thanksgiving:( That just super bums me out. I thought we'd be together while going through this transition time (i.e. while I am freaking out about everything and all the decisions we will have to make. But now I'm here for another week then he will be in Mi for three weeks after that! This is not what I was hoping for. A month apart during the time when we are making some of the biggest decisions of our adult lives? Lame. But what can we do?
So I guess now he will go with dad to look at places and stuff, and we will just have to talk on the phone about all our plans. I kinda was hoping we would be able to do it all together. But maybe thats not necessary really.
But still, Eduardo will miss our football games together, the Christmas Party for my work and the Parade downtown, and all the fun Christmas stuff that I had planned for us:( I guess we have to do it, it just really sucks. And it's not like I don't have Mom and Daniel and others to share Christmas with. I do, and they are wonderful, but Eduardo has always been there as well, and I'll miss that part.
So I have been scouting out plane tickets from here, and looking at train schedules (for Eduardo maybe to spend Thanksgiving with his family in Chicago), and trying to figure out how to apply for a mortgage online...
The whole thing just feels really stressful to me right now, and not any fun at all. And I feel like it won't be any fun for us to do together, because we won't be together. Boo. And on top of that we are going to miss most of our holiday season together. Our last Christmas in California for a while...
I still want to move, but this is happening so fast, and not at all in the way I was hoping. I don't want to go into Eduardo and my first big move feeling crappy about it. But now I'm feeling rushed, and sad. I know it sounds dumb to be worried about getting our Christmas tree when we are trying to buy a house and move, but I look so forward to the holiday season. It really is kind of a big deal for me.

I guess I'll stop now, it's only making me sad to write more.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The First Time

The first time we saw her...
Getting ready for work this morning wasn't as awful as usual, I think because daylight savings just took affect. So I was up "early" and managed to get here on time.
Already I have nothing to do, which is why I am able to write. It could be another really long day...
I think my opinion about whether or not we should move is directly correlated with how many hours have passed since I sat at my desk at work and had absolutely nothing to do. Because right now, I'm already feeling like I should be somewhere else, doing something else. It's not that I don't enjoy sitting, having coffee and writing's just that I have that feeling...that feeling like everything is passing me by. Like I'll look up one day from my computer screen and be 44 and not have any idea where the last ten years have gone. In a way I already feel like that, and I don't like it. I've spent the last five years (at least) taking the safe road. And the truth is, it hasn't been all that bad. But it's not what I wanted. Not really anyway. And while it is true that I have really enjoyed the stability of it, the cost has been boredom. I don't mean boredom in the day to day sense, because I am almost never bored. But I mean in the big picture. From where I am sitting now, there is no "big possibility" no chance to make a killing, or get ahead. There is no gamble, nothing like that.  Things will just stay the same, except maybe I could get laid off if things slow down too much. It will take me 50 years to save up enough money to buy a house, and who knows I might be dead by then anyway. If I stay here it will be work as usual except for the budgeted $2000 a year for a week in Hawaii or Florida, and maybe an occasional trip home. Because that is all we will be able to afford.
I wish I could just keep my job for a little longer and still move to Michigan. That would make everything a lot easier for me to decide. Even if I didn't get insurance or any of that. If I could keep my job, at least part time, and be would be great. At least to start.
So Dad went to look at another property this afternoon, and he sent me a text saying he thinks this could be "the one". It's the best one he's seen and his agent thinks there is the potential to make up to $30,000 on it if it's done properly. That is way more than we were expecting.
He sent us the listing, and I have to admit I think the place has great curb appeal, and has great bones. The kitchen is open to the dining room, and there is a library/loft area, and it has an attached garage. The location is in Fort Gratiot, which isn't exactly what I was hoping for. But if the resale potential is that high, I can deal with it. THat is the point after all. But now I'm feeling a little nervous. All these thoughts are going through my head. How long do we have to decide? How much will renovations be? Are we ready to move? How soon would we have to move? How long would it take us to do the renovations?  Ahhhhhhh!!!!
There is the possibility that our investment company (the one my brothers and I started) could buy the house, and Eduardo and I pay for the renovations. I'd be fine with that, and then just pay back DMI with a percent of the sale. It would be much easier for us to handle money-wise as well.
We are going to call my dad tonight and see what he thinks about all of this.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Up and Down and All Around

Monday morning meetings...will I miss this?
A weird thing happened to me this morning. And it's the second time it's happened in the span of a couple months. I woke up, and the first, the very first thing I thought, was that I am 34, in 6 years I'll be forty, that my life is at best, a third over, that in 16 years I'll be 50. And what will I have accomplished?  I almost felt like I was another person observing myself. It was kind of terrifying. As I woke up more, the frank truth of the state of things faded to it's normal mildly alarming state, but...geez.
It occurred to me that starting a new "career" whether it be house flipping, or whatever now may not be a good idea. It might not be the "smart" thing to do. I feel like Ill blink and then suddenly be forty and.what if this gamble doesnt pay off? What if I cant make ends meet? What if this is my one chance for a career and I blow it? I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm just saying it probably should have been sorted out 5 years ago. I'm saying I'm probably 5 or 10 years behind anyone else doing whatever it is I want to do. Except at my current job. There I am right on track. I started that "career" at the right time, and I'm at the right place for my age.  
In my half asleep assessment of my life that seemed like the best thing going for me. Steady, good paying job with benefits, and manageable hours. Not too stressful either. And for the most part not too hard. That has me feeling really confused at the moment since my job has been the thing I'm feeling the most excited about getting out of! Maybe that shouldn't be the case though. Maybe Im looking at this all wrong?  I know it's a great job, but I keep telling myself it's not what I want to do (and it's not), but then in the larger picture, of my whole life and all that other scary crap I was thinking about this morning, it suddenly seems like the best option I have. You always hear people say "you don't know what you have till it's gone." I don't think that would apply to me and my job, but then why did it seem so good for that split second before I was totally awake?
Anyway, that has got me thinking. Sure moving would be an adventure, and I am ready for that. But there will be a lot more stress, and tough decisions, and unknowns involved. And this morning in my dazed semi-consciousness  it just seemed crazy that I'd trade my job, and our quaint life here, for that. But is it really?
Ha. I'm up and down everyday. Maybe it's good that I am going to France for a week. Maybe being there will give me some perspective that I can't get when I'm in the middle of it here.
*Its a little bit later now, and I am feeling better.  I was in the mood to clean, so I decided to take advantage of that and go through some of the more daunting cleaning projects. I went through all the drawers of the desk, and the back closet (minus my holiday stuff). Eduardo did some cleaning of his own.
It feels so good to get rid of things. I don't know why I don't do it more often!. I am the kind of person who tends to hold on to things a little too tight, especially when I am feeling nostalgic or sentimental (both of which happen from time to time). And I get bogged down in all of it both emotionally and physically. And the older I have gotten the worse it has become. I have no idea why though. Most of the time I am not even aware of it, but then I'll suddenly notice something I have had forever and realize I stopped liking it about 10 years ago. Then I am forced to ask myself then why in the hell do I still have it laying around? Why is it so hard to get rid of? I almost feel like after a certain number of years you can't get rid of things, like they have somehow acquired tenure or something and can't be tossed out. But that is not true, and the more I hold on to stuff, the more I feel like I'm facing the wrong way, focusing on the wrong direction.  
I used to almost exclusively look ahead, but that hasn't been the case the last few years, and maybe that's another reason why I am so ready to move. I want to look forward again, and that's hard to do right now when nothing scares me anymore, and there are no unknowns waiting for me tomorrow, and no challenges to pit myself against. How can I even tell what sort of person I have become when the biggest choices I make in a week are where to go for happy hour? That's what I feel is at stake if I keep my job. I'll never know what kind of person I am...or maybe I would? Maybe staying, if we decide not to move, will tell me exactly who I am. And right now I'm more afraid of being that person than making the mistake of quitting.That is why I feel like I need to quit and go. Because that is what the person I want to be would do.
But now I'm getting a little too philosophical, and I am too tired for that right now. Sufficed to say,
it's all very confusing. Anyway, my excitement about moving, or the possibility of it, got me in the mood to get rid of the old, and make way for the new! I see my stuff differently in the light of a possible move across the country. There are some things I certainly want to take. But I'm realizing that a lot of the stuff I've dragged around Florida and then California, I'm ready to finally part with. I don't want to go to start the next chapter of my life knee deep in the last 10 years. It's time to move on.