Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Driving Cross Country: Part 4

We made it! We made it! Our cross-country drive was a success! Yesterday was a shorter day than any of the others, and thankfully the weather and roads were much better than the night before. I was really excited when we finally crossed into Michigan. Compared to every other midwestern state we drove through it was definitely the prettiest. There are a lot more trees here, I noticed, and I really like that. And almost every sign we saw within the first 20 miles were for micro-breweries, wineries, or distilleries...Cool! I'm not convinced the wines here will be any good, because I don't think the proper growing conditions exist here, but I am certainly interested in giving them a try.
The last hundred miles seemed like forever though. Not because we were driving slower, but just because we were anxious to finally get here. We were in the "home" stretch! It was almost surreal being in Port Huron when we finally got off the freeway. It's strange to see something so familiar after so many days and miles of the unfamiliar. We made it to the coffeehouse around 5 and Daddy was outside unloading a dumpster. I jumped out of my car and gave him a big hug! We were pretty excited to be here.
Even though the drive went well, Eduardo and I were still pretty stressed out the whole time, as I think is normal on such long trips. We were worried about the vehicles, or getting broken into, or breaking the TV's on the potholes in the road, or traffic, or road conditions, or leaving something in the hotel....Neither of us mentioned any of these things to each other along the way, and I think it's just as well, but they were in the back of our minds all day, and they hovered over us as we slept, making each night of rest at least slightly less effective than it would otherwise be.
Last night after dinner with Dad and Tina, Eduardo and I grabbed a couple beers and headed out to the hot tub, and both voiced our relief about the fact that all of our fears were unwarranted. We kept saying, "we made it", and the relief I felt, I could hear in his voice. Last night we slept like two people without a care in the world. And it was great!
Today starts a new adventure for us here, and I feel rested, and refreshed and ready to jump in. We are going to go down to the house, and make a list of what needs to be done, Eduardo and I are going to start the day with a yoga work out, I am going to get some boots, we are going to check out the new gym I joined, I am going to set up my office, we are going to unload the pickup...Lot's to do, but I am looking forward to all of it! 
*Before I go to bed, some closing thoughts. We went to the house this afternoon to take a look around and get our bearings. It was pretty much how I remember it....which is filthy and stinky and disgusting. It's hard to imagine we spend 55K on that place when I am afraid to touch anything in there without rubber gloves. It's just so gross. I feel gross after being there. BUT we are going to fix all that. Starting tomorrow. Our plan is to wash all the walls tomorrow, or as much as we can do. I can't wait to get started!
The back yard was beautiful though! All white and covered with snow! And I am really excited about that if we have the house long enough to use it.
Dad has been a huge help, and again I don't know what we would do without him! 

Ha ha.

Yay!!! Meijer!!!

Almost there!

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