Thursday, May 15, 2014

Selfies and Such

My attempt at a non-selfie. My work pants.
I realize that I have been posting a lot of  what are referred to as "selfies" on my blog. (Selfies are photos you take of yourself.) And I apologize for that. I read just the other day an article that claims that taking selfies and posting them on line has officially become a form of mental illness, like schizophrenia and depression. So now I feel compelled to explain my reasons for posting photos of myself, and to assure you that I do not, in fact, require an intervention or therapy.
As it happens I am the photo taker. Not just in remodeling, but all the time. As a result I have noticed that often I am not represented in certain things I've done other than being the photographer. And that would be the case now as well. I have lots of pictures of the guys doing things but I want to have some representation of myself in this experience in addition to all the great shots I got of them. It's probably a little selfish, but I assure you is in no way ego related. I don't particularly enjoy taking photos of myself, and I am not really all that keen on posting tons of them online either. But unfortunately my arms can only reach far enough to qualify any photo I would take as a "selfie", and in that distance, I can't take photos that would show me doing anything other than smiling or perhaps holding up a tool, or wearing a paint brush on my head:) So that's why I take them and post them. Just FYI.

1 comment:

  1. So, where have you been the last month? Are you done re-modeling or just done writing about it? I want to see how it turned out!
