I realize that a lot of remodeling blogs probably have more before and after photos than mine does so far, but that's because despite all the work we have been doing, nothing is at the "after" stage yet. Every room either has work left to do in it, or it's filled with crap (i.e. tools, paint, wood, drywall, insulation, ladders, doors) and doesn't look like much.
But I hate to disappoint, so I thought I'd post some before and after photos of myself, to give you an idea of the things you can expect on a personal level from deciding to undertake a remodel. I realize that some people might think the transition is not a big deal or worth noting, but for me it has been. I'm not the kind of person that is overly concerned with my personal appearance, but that's not to say that I don't care at all about it. And some might say it's a "girl" thing, and maybe it is, since guys generally don't tend to look too much different at work or otherwise, but whatever it is, it is...different. And it's evolved for me as time has gone on.
Before, at work (when I wasn't in the field,0 I was able to dress nice. I did my hair most of the time, and wore makeup and jewelry and (gasp!) accessorized. I even wore heels sometimes just for fun. When we first started working on the house here I wasn't wearing heels or anything but I was trying to be careful and not get too dirty. I came back to the coffeehouse every night, changed as soon as I got in, and washed my clothes, or set out new ones for the next day. I took showers regularly (you can see where this is going). I painted my fingernails, the same as I always did. I put make up on, the same as I always did too.
Fast forward to now and...well, things have changed. Now, it's 6:30 pm and I am still in my work clothes. I feel like I'm just going to have to put them on tomorrow anyway, so what's the rush in getting out of them now? I'd probably sleep in them if Eduardo would let me in bed with them on. (That's a joke. Kind of.) Yep. I'm in the same work clothes I've been wearing all week. I haven't washed them yet either. What's the point? I am wearing the same dirty socks I wore yesterday too. I've bailed on make up. Drywall dust gets stuck in mascara (bet you didn't know that did you?), and the fine coating of dust on my face would cover up any make up I put on anyway. So it's kind of a waste of money to even bother with it. I shower once every two days just on principle, but it's really just a sham since the paint doesn't come out of my hair anyway. I do have nail polish on but it's chipped and looks terrible.
But what's a girl to do? On TV, the lady remodelers always look nice. They wear cute outfits and actually have their hair done even if it is in a pony tail. But that all must be fake, because I'd never get anything done (or have any money left) if I did my hair every morning and wore cute clothes to work. I'm not saying that I hate my present state. LOL. But at the same time, it kind of feels hopeless and I don't feel like I love it either. I don't think I take it too far, but I do care about how I look, and I've decided it's pretty much impossible to look nice during a remodel (especially since I go to the gym before I head over to the house!) It's just a waste of time. I have been all over town in these paint covered clothes I am wearing now. And I'm pretty sure that the folks at Home Depot wouldn't recognize me if I came in dressed in anything else. I understand there is a reason for it, and so I'm trying not to let it bum me out too much. But it does take a toll on a person that likes to look nice once in a while. That's all I'm saying. Anyway, see for yourself the before and after photos below. View at your own risk.
Before :) |
After :( |
Before :) |
Before #2 :) |
After :( |
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