Wednesday, March 12, 2014


On our way to work!
It's a snowstorm! The perfect day to stay home and watch movies! But wouldn't you know it, we have our big delivery from Menard's coming today? Lame!
Anyway, I haven't written much this week because I have been so tired both in the morning and at night. But let me fill you in on the highlights of this weeks so far.
Dad and Eduardo ripped out the downstairs bathroom, all the way down to the studs and discovered that all the pipes had burst in one spot or another. They laid down the cement board in the kitchen, and they ripped out the back of the master closet. Yesterday they spent the afternoon trying to figure out what all the light switches go to. We are still unclear about how it's rigged up, and part of the problem may be that the connections are bad. We don't know. What we do know for sure is we have 5 lights witches by the door that may or may not turn something on. OK. Good.
What have I been doing while they are doing all that? I have been sanding walls...for days. And I am the clean up crew, and just yesterday I started priming the trim that we are trying to save. My jobs are not as big, or as...exciting, but I feel good about the fact that I am getting things done that no one else wants to do.
The sanding block is still my nemesis. I'm not super sore, but I can definitely feel it. But it's nice to know that I am getting extra exercise while I am working. Especially my arms:)
Today, like I said we have our big order coming in. The doors have different color hinges than I wanted (brass instead of brushed nickel), but...oh well.
*It's later, a little past 3:30 and I kind of got my wish! We are back at the coffeehouse, whilst the storm rages outside. But let me go back and recap.
Despite the howling wind, and 4" of snow, we headed into town. We probably would have stayed home except for our delivery, but we figured if we have to go for that we may as well go to the gym too. The drive down was super precarious. We couldn't see the road, much less the lines on it, and there were times when the snow was blowing so hard you couldn't see 5 feet in front of you. We were surprised by how many people we saw driving without their lights on. Shame on them. They could cause a serious accident. We got to the gym around 11:10. We were almost by ourselves there. I ran faster and harder to squeeze my 5 miles in before we had to go. When we were done, it was a complete whiteout outside. You couldn't see a single thing. Eduardo had to gun the truck just to get out of our parking spot, because the snow was getting so deep around it. We were just pulling out when the delivery guys called and said they were on their way. They asked me if the driveway was plowed, and I hesitated before saying no. They said they couldn't deliver if it wasn't, so I told them it would be by the time they got there. I wasnt sure if that was a lie or not. It has been a lot of years since Ive shoveled a driveway, and Eduardo is a driveway-shoveling virgin. But we would not be deterred from trying! SO....after working out super hard for an hour, Eduardo and I (but he did more than me) shoveled (technically I swept with a broom) the whole driveway in like 15 minutes! And the snow was falling all around us, and the wind was howling and blowing, and the drifts were at least 4" deep, twice that in other areas! Can you believe that? I there I was, shuffling around in my Crocks (because I still don't have boots) and my feet got totally soaked along with my jeans, but I kept sweeping as fast as I could. Eduardo looked a little more graceful than I did. But we got it done. And about 30 seconds before they arrived!
Then they started unloading, and our cabinet order was all messed up! They had to take back three cabinets, and we are missing 4. One of them they just got wrong, two were supposed to be 12x30, but instead what we ordered (and didn't catch) was 30x12, and so those have to go back, and the last one we thought we'd ordered, but apparently never actually did. What a disaster! They also damaged one of our doors, so that had to go back as well. So after all that stressful driving down, our order wasn't even complete.
Anyway, we decided to head back here because all of my receipts were here, and I needed to see what the heck was going on before I called Menards back. So we headed back up, almost getting stuck at the corner of Cherry Hill and 25, and then driving about 10 miles an hour behind a big tractor plowing the road. The conditions were worse after the plow turned and we had to continue on. Right past Galbraith Line, we started sliding all over the place. I was pretty stressed out by the whole thing, but Eduardo seemed to think it was pretty hilarious. What is it that makes guys laugh at danger? Must be some property of testosterone or something. I am glad he was the one driving.

I was super relieved when we made it back here in one piece. So yeah, anyway, that was our exciting day braving the blizzard that is still blowing outside! 

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